Ilmoittajan Keskusautohalli Oy palautteet
2 palautetta viimeisen puolen vuoden aikana
Auto ei ollu lähelläkään ilmoituksen kuntoa joten en ottanut koko autoa vaan reklamoin. Ja rahat edelleen jossain viipyy. Keskusautohallin kannattaas perehtyä huutokauppaan laittamiinsa autoihin paremmin. Turhaa ajoa tuli yli 800km kun autoa noudin. Oli kytkin aivan loppu ja etupyöränlaakeri/laakerit rallatti. Korjauskehotiksena autossa vuotava pakoputki ja öljyinen moottori eikä niitäkään ollut ilmoitukseen viittitty laittaa. Laitimmainen kerta ku varsinaisuomesta autoa hommaan.
ma 12.8.2024 klo 16.31
I would like to thank you for this wonderful website and the distinguished service: the purchasing and receiving procedures were very smooth, and all the individuals I spoke with regarding the deal showed unparalleled cooperation. Thank you very much Unfortunately, regarding the car, there is a lot of confusion in the information provided in the advertisement, as it is mentioned that the air conditioner is working, but it is not working as it should. The bad condition of the bottom of the car and the brakes was not accurately mentioned, and the repair cost will be very large, almost equal to the price of the car, and I am seriously considering returning it. After explaining the matter to customer service, I expected that I would be compensated, even in a small way, as stated on the website, but this door was completely closed in my face. I sincerely apologize, but I will not advise anyone to buy cars this way.
la 20.7.2024 klo 13.47
I would like to thank you for this wonderful website and the distinguished service: the purchasing and receiving procedures were very smooth, and all the individuals I spoke with regarding the deal showed unparalleled cooperation. Thank you very much Unfortunately, regarding the car, there is a lot of confusion in the information provided in the advertisement, as it is mentioned that the air conditioner is working, but it is not working as it should. The bad condition of the bottom of the car and the brakes was not accurately mentioned, and the repair cost will be very large, almost equal to the price of the car, and I am seriously considering returning it. After explaining the matter to customer service, I expected that I would be compensated, even in a small way, as stated on the website, but this door was completely closed in my face. I sincerely apologize, but I will not advise anyone to buy cars this way.
la 20.7.2024 klo 13.47
Auto ei ollu lähelläkään ilmoituksen kuntoa joten en ottanut koko autoa vaan reklamoin. Ja rahat edelleen jossain viipyy. Keskusautohallin kannattaas perehtyä huutokauppaan laittamiinsa autoihin paremmin. Turhaa ajoa tuli yli 800km kun autoa noudin. Oli kytkin aivan loppu ja etupyöränlaakeri/laakerit rallatti. Korjauskehotiksena autossa vuotava pakoputki ja öljyinen moottori eikä niitäkään ollut ilmoitukseen viittitty laittaa. Laitimmainen kerta ku varsinaisuomesta autoa hommaan.
ma 12.8.2024 klo 16.31